This event is endorsed
and organized by

2nd EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems

October 31–November 1, 2016 | Leicester, Great Britain

Welcome Message from the Conference Chairs


On behalf of the INISCOM 2016 organizing committee, we are honored to welcome you to the 2nd EAI International Conference on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems which is help in Leicester, U.K., and hosted in the new Venue building of De Montfort University. Our technical program includes 2 keynote speeches and 15 technical papers.

As conference chairs of INISCOM 2016, we know that the success of the conference depends ultimately on the many people who have worked with us in planning and organizing both the technical program and supporting social arrangements. In particular, we thank the Program Chairs for their wise advice and brilliant suggestion on organizing the technical program; the Program Committee for their thorough and timely reviewing of the papers, and EAI for helping us with the organization and planning of the conference. Recognition should go to the Local Chair who has worked extremely hard for the details of important aspects of the conference programs and social activities.

Leandros A. Maglaras, De Montfort University, UK

Helge Janicke, De Montfort University, UK

Kevin Jones, Airbus Group

Conference chairs of INISCOM 2016


Francois Siewe, De Montfort University, UK

Local Chair of INISCOM 2016